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8 Coping Mechanisms Inspired by Emergenetics

As our Emergenetics® community continues to navigate the loss of Dr. Geil Browning, our beloved Founder, I’ve crafted another blog post related to grief. The mourning process is just that – a process. It takes time, and everyone’s experience and progression in dealing with loss will be different. Anyone, no matter their preferences, can lean into the Emergenetics Attributes to uncover supportive actions along their path to healing. 

NewAnalyticalPrioritize Health

To traverse challenging changes in life, self-care is paramount. Lean into the Analytical Attribute by researching best practices to sustain one’s physical and mental well-being as well as using apps and technology to personalize healthy habits. Staying hydrated, eating nutritious foods and getting adequate rest are all important elements to aid a person in times of mourning. 

Pen On PaperCreate and Stick to a Schedule 

In periods of difficulty, it can be helpful to add elements of structure whether that be making plans, building to-do lists and establishing routines. Creating familiarity supports predictability, which can be helpful when facing the unknown. Additionally, be mindful to lean into the Structural Attribute and find time to engage in activities that bring joy and happiness to support the healing experience. 

People talking bubbles iconAllow Feelings to Flow

People often sense a multitude of emotions in times of grief; sometimes, they will even react in ways that they may not have anticipated. No one can tell a person how they should feel – not even themselves. Honor the Social Attribute by making space for the various emotions that arise. Acknowledge them and allow them to be experienced. 

Light bulb with brain inside iconFind an Inventive Outlet 

Creativity can be a powerful tool to augment one’s coping journey, and people do not need to be professional artists to engage in it. Embrace the Conceptual Attribute by finding an imaginative outlet to channel some of the sorrow. These activities could come from music, painting, dance, poetry, writing or any other creative mechanism. 

Two talking bubbles iconAsk for Help

I recognize this tip can be challenging for many. Individuals may feel vulnerable as they reach out for assistance, or they may simply not want to burden someone else with their needs. Those feelings are understandable, and close friends and family typically want to support those they care about. Lean into that Expressiveness Attribute and ask for the help that will best serve you. 

Car iconBe Present

There is no quick fix or solution for managing loss. It takes time. Staying present in the moment by neither rushing nor slowing down the feelings or memories can support anyone across the Assertiveness spectrum as they mourn. Engaging in deep breathing or other mindfulness activities can further enhance this practice of staying present. 

Arrow on sign pointing in different directions iconCreate Your Own Pathway

There is a common myth that it takes about a year to go through the grieving journey, and yet, there really is no specific timeframe. Tonkin’s Model of Grief [1] suggests that loss never fully disappears, it just takes up less space in one’s life as time goes on. A person’s pathway through heartache will be unique to them. Honor the Flexibility Attribute by staying open to the turns that may come while also acknowledging the ownership that one has of the overall direction of their life. 

As one final recommendation, I will lean into one of Geil’s favorite practices, which had long been the art of reflection. She would often encourage us to pause – even at times that some may have felt were inopportune to do so! That is because Geil understood the value of introspection, and she taught our entire community to appreciate taking stock in what they had just learned or experienced before rushing onto the next task or priority.  

In navigating the healing experience, I invite readers to reflect on the questions they may encounter along the grieving journey. Those queries may come from others who ask: “How are you doing?” or “How can I help?” By reflecting on how you are truly feeling and what actions would support you, you can be better prepared with thoughtful responses when these inquiries arise so that you are equipped to express yourself and your needs.   

While these posts on grief [2] have been connected to our mourning process at Emergenetics, the tips can be applied anytime someone experiences loss. Should you find yourself in times of challenge and coping with a difficult change, I hope you find inspiration and comfort in the concepts I shared as you heal.  


If you’d like to share a favorite memory of Geil, our team would love to hear from you!  You may use the form below to share your thoughts.