Group of Students

Being able to collaborate effectively is so important to students’ success in the classroom and life. Working with different people can unlock new ways to problem solve, inspire fresh ideas and encourage perspective-taking.   Educators have also likely seen what happens when kids struggle with a group assignment. If teams are not mindfully managed, discomfort and…

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What makes an exceptional organizational culture?  So far, we’ve highlighted several of the 6 Cs of Culture, or the common elements that high-performing entities share. The components include:  Communication  Collaboration  Care  Connection Commendation  Career  In this post, I’ll focus on the importance of Commendation and share one idea to help leaders, supervisors and staff deliver…

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What makes an exceptional organizational culture?  As shared throughout the series, workplaces certainly have distinct styles and methods of operations, and the ones that stand out share a common focus on the six core elements:  Communication  Collaboration  Care  Connection  Commendation  Career  Next up, I’m exploring the concept of Care, which comes to life in the…

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Perspective Taking

Teaching young people life skills is one of the best things adults can do to prepare them to be successful. These capabilities enable kids to find their way while they’re young and in the future. The core life skills that everyone can begin to build capacity for in their youth are split into three categories: …

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Teacher writing on whiteboard

If you realized just how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. – Anonymous There is so much truth behind the importance of having an optimistic outlook. Beyond quotes like the one above, there’s a significant amount of research into the impact of positive psychology on achievement, persistence and physical health.…

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Students talking by a computer

When was the last time you paused to put yourself in someone else’s shoes? I encourage you to think back to that moment. What did you take away from the experience? Maybe you were able to have a greater sense of appreciation for that person? Their situation? Or, the surrounding circumstances? It might have made…

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The Brilliance Series: Concrete

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Concrete Thinking Overview I’m so glad…

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Students in a classroom taking a test at their desks

No matter what school system you work in, testing is a part of life. Whether the assessments are happening during class periods or as part of a national or local examination period, tests are common occurrences in the school year. When tests become sources of stress and scratchiness for students, educators can help kids work…

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Students and teacher sitting around a table

I had a chance to do a semantic noise activity with some of our Associates recently. I love these exercises because they are an easy and eye-opening way to explore differences in the perspectives of the Emergenetics® Attributes. All you do is pick a word, phrase or topic. Then, group participants according to one of…

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The Brilliance Series: Structural

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at each of the seven Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the gifts of each Attribute. This week, we’re exploring…

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