
After examining why diversity and inclusion are so valuable to business and recognising the positive impact that comes from an environment where employees can be their authentic selves, the natural questions that follow include:   What now?  How does inclusion become an organic part of an organisation?  What can be done to make a culture of…

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Thriving Employees

What would change in your organisation if every employee was thriving instead of striving?  On the surface such a question may sound odd as there is a positive connotation associated with both terms. If we pause and consider the words more carefully, there is an important distinction.  The term “strive” is defined as:  To try…

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Back of team

Think about the diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) efforts in your organisation. How familiar are you with these initiatives? Do you know what sort of impact they are making?  If you’re part of the team leading DEIB programmes, you are likely very aware of the work that has been implemented. However, in many companies,…

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The Brilliance Series: Convergent

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Convergent Thinking Overview When we describe…

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A boss conducting an offboarding interview

 When evaluating the employee lifecycle, one element that is often overlooked is offboarding. This step can sometimes feel more like a transaction that lacks the energy and compassion that we are more used to seeing in other moments such as onboarding, development or advancement.   While I understand why some may prioritise these other stages, offboarding…

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Two women at an office talking and smiling

Creating a workplace ethos that prioritises belonging has a meaningful impact on employees and organisations. Companies that build an ecosystem where each individual feels valued realise positive bottom-line results as well as improved people outcomes including enhanced retention and engagement. While most businesses recognise the value that comes from belonging and validation, they must also…

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Aerial view of a team working together

One of the most essential components of a positive, productive company culture has only become a common conversation point in recent years. As you might have guessed, I’m referring to belonging. In a Qualtrics study, belonging was found to be the top driver of employee engagement, while a survey by BetterUp found that workplace affinity…

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The Brilliance Series: Assertiveness

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at each of the seven Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the gifts of each Attribute. This week, we’re exploring…

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Woman looking at a coworker and smiling

If you will, I invite you to take a moment to imagine something with me. Consider the many elements that make you who you are. Now, let’s imagine those pieces being contained within a circle. Next, reflect on your job and the aspects of your company’s culture, your responsibilities and expectations as a second circle.…

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Two people looking at each other and talking

Have you ever wondered why people sometimes behave differently with various groups of friends or family, or in a variety of environments and circumstances? Personally, I know my interactions are not the same. As an example, the way I greet my extended family and work colleagues vary, and I also display different energies with them.…

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