Coaching Common Misconceptions

As I’m coaching Emergenetics® practitioners, I often receive questions about how the seven Attributes interact with each other, where they stand apart and how to articulate these nuances to participants.  Given all the rich distinctions of Thinking and Behavioral preferences, it’s important to have clarity to convey the concepts correctly and feel confident in responding…

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After leading an essential Emergenetics® workshop, I’ve found that Associates often feel pressured to deliver entirely new Emergenetics content the next time that they meet with their participants to continue their learning journey. I understand the inclination. Once attendees have been amazed by the essential workshop or debrief experience, Associates naturally want to deliver another…

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Associate Presenting

All people have inherent tendencies that influence their approach to work, the way they learn best and their preferred patterns for thinking and behaving. While there’s nothing wrong with innate inclinations, it’s important to be mindful of whether these leanings become a bias – or an unfair favoritism for a particular style or approach.   Bias…

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People seated and chatting

The ability to secure trust is a vital component to being a successful facilitator. You must gain the confidence of your workshop attendees as well as enhance the connections between the individuals in the group. As an Emergenetics Associate, you play an essential role in holding space for participants, so they can feel present, honest…

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Sticky Notes on Flip Chart Paper

One of the most powerful aspects of Emergenetics® is the way the Attributes can be applied to holistically consider a challenge, opportunity or project. Using the Emergenetics framework, Associates (and the groups or departments they work with) unlock a template to utilize cognitive diversity to achieve results. That’s why our Client Service team often recommends…

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