Coaching Common Misconceptions

As I’m coaching Emergenetics® practitioners, I often receive questions about how the seven Attributes interact with each other, where they stand apart and how to articulate these nuances to participants.  Given all the rich distinctions of Thinking and Behavioral preferences, it’s important to have clarity to convey the concepts correctly and feel confident in responding…

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Happy Woman Gazing

“I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness—it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.” – Brené Brown  Taking a second to pause and express appreciation has the power to stimulate greater fulfillment. Studies have revealed that being thankful can increase well-being and self-esteem as well as lead…

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Group collaborating

“Wisdom is intuitive reason combined with scientific knowledge.”  – Aristotle  When it comes to decision-making, do you tend to apply a more rational or intuitive approach? Research suggests that neither style is inherently more beneficial considering both logical evidence and gut feelings concurrently is what leads to successful strategic conclusions.  To reap the benefits of…

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Sticky Notes on Flip Chart Paper

One of the most powerful aspects of Emergenetics® is the way the Attributes can be applied to holistically consider a challenge, opportunity or project. Using the Emergenetics framework, Associates (and the groups or departments they work with) unlock a template to utilize cognitive diversity to achieve results. That’s why our Client Service team often recommends…

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The Brilliance Series: Divergent

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Divergent Thinking Overview I’m energized to…

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The Brilliance Series: Convergent

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Convergent Thinking Overview When we describe…

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The Brilliance Series: Concrete

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Concrete Thinking Overview I’m so glad…

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The Brilliance Series: Abstract

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Abstract Thinking Overview At Emergenetics, we…

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Colleagues from different generations talking

As workforce demographics continue to shift, generational diversity is a common topic of conversation and in some cases a cause of trepidation. I’ve read several articles recently geared toward managers who are trying to understand employees who are older or younger than them, team leaders who are attempting to overcome preconceived notions and Human Resources…

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