Woman writing on a white board in a conference room

Visualize for a moment what a career path looks like. Does the picture in your mind reflect a neat, tidy directional arrow? Is it a set of well-planned steps? Or is it more of a winding road with twists and turns? While professional growth has long been considered to follow a linear or step-by-step model,…

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Colleagues sitting around a conference table talking

I invite our Emergenetics® Associates to think back to the last few moments of your most recent Meeting of the Minds (MOTM) workshop. After the scented markers have been capped or the laughter has subsided following the Krazy Kommercials activity, we typically hear dazzling reflections as participants share their realizations and takeaways. It’s important to…

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Group of colleagues in a meeting

I would venture to guess that every person in the working world has asked themselves our headline question at least once in their lives, and likely more than that. You may also have replaced the word email with chat message, recorded video, text alert or any other medium outside of a live, face-to-face experience. Meetings…

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Colleagues seated around a table talking and working

Employees want to work for organizations that offer opportunities to grow their talents, and by providing that perk, companies reap the rewards. In fact, 93% of employees said that well-planned training programs positively affect their level of engagement and 76% of Gen Z believe learning is essential to a successful career. When your team members…

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Woman sitting at a desk smiling at her laptop and holding a mug

I recently read Qualtric’s Employee Experience Trends report, examining some of the defining elements that promote retention and encourage staff to feel connected to their organizations. One of the four driving factors that they identified this year was the push to reclaim work-life balance. While this trend is not exactly new, the report released some…

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Colleagues from different generations talking

As workforce demographics continue to shift, generational diversity is a common topic of conversation and in some cases a cause of trepidation. I’ve read several articles recently geared toward managers who are trying to understand employees who are older or younger than them, team leaders who are attempting to overcome preconceived notions and Human Resources…

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Man at a desk

What improves your focus at work? For me personally, I need background noise. I’m one of those people who loves an open workspace because the chatter helps me unlock new ideas. I also know that many of my colleagues prefer complete silence to concentrate. Imagine if as a leader, I required my team members to…

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Man sitting at a desk writing in a notebook and wearing headphones

With the ongoing expansion of our digital learning courses, many of our clients and Emergenetics® Associates have been asking us: What is the best way to integrate egLearning Library curriculum into our talent development offerings? My readers in the second-third of any of the Behavioral Attributes will probably appreciate my answer of: It depends. Based…

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