Woman at Work

Organizational ecosystems are constantly evolving as new employees enter the workforce and external factors shape the needs and priorities of staff. The way that leaders adapt to the changes will have a significant impact on their ability to hire, engage and retain exceptional talent.  To position a business for success, I encourage executives as well…

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Happy employees

In recent weeks, I’ve seen multiple headlines about the decline in employee satisfaction. The reports have come about because of the steady decrease in staff Net Promoter Scores (eNPS), which evaluate how workers respond to the question:  It’s important to take note because the eNPS does more than just signal the overall contentment employees may…

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Group of adults learners working together

Employees are discovering so much every day in every company. As the 70-20-10 model reveals, 70% of learning happens experientially on the job. When education occurs outside of a formal setting, it can take effort to broadly share the insights, so the information doesn’t always extend beyond the person involved, let alone their team.  Imagine…

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Back of team

Think about the diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) efforts in your organisation. How familiar are you with these initiatives? Do you know what sort of impact they are making?  If you’re part of the team leading DEIB programmes, you are likely very aware of the work that has been implemented. However, in many companies,…

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Thoughtful Woman

As our Emergenetics® community continues to navigate the loss of Dr. Geil Browning, our beloved Founder, I’ve crafted another blog post related to grief. The mourning process is just that – a process. It takes time, and everyone’s experience and progression in dealing with loss will be different. Anyone, no matter their preferences, can lean…

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Woman looking at her tablet

For executives who want to construct a successful organization, trust is one of the most essential building blocks. When employees, managers and leaders have confidence in one another and in the business itself, it allows people to operate more productively, to collaborate with greater efficacy and to innovate more freely. High-trust companies also tend to…

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Happy Staff Presentation

Leaders of thriving companies recognize that climate is fundamental to performance. Healthy, positive environments are correlated with an increased return to shareholders as well as greater agility in times of change. They also contribute to better people outcomes like improved engagement and well-being.   In comparison, toxic workplaces are costly. One estimate from MIT Sloan revealed…

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Colleagues sitting at a table talking and working on a poster with post-it notes

What is it that sets excellent teams apart from others in their organizations? I’m confident this question has been on the minds of many Human Resources leaders, Organizational Development professionals, managers and executives, who are striving to maximize productivity and goal achievement. In positive news, high-performing groups are not mystical beings that mere mortals can…

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Team of workers sitting in a circle talking and smiling

As a former communications professional, I have experience identifying a good public relations opportunity, and team building certainly has one. Although many people get excited when they learn that they will have a chance to connect and collaborate with their colleagues, others hear the same term and have a decidedly different reaction. They may instead…

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