Engaged Employees

Effective management is one of the most vital components of a successful workplace ecosystem. From motivating and developing staff to actualizing long-term objectives and achieving organizational goals, people leaders are instrumental in driving the business forward.   To succeed, managers should invest time and energy in employee engagement. Studies show that companies with invested employees are…

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What makes an exceptional organizational culture?  As shared throughout the series, workplaces certainly have distinct styles and methods of operations, and the ones that stand out share a common focus on the six core elements:  Communication  Collaboration  Care  Connection  Commendation  Career  Next up, I’m exploring the concept of Care, which comes to life in the…

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Thriving Employees

What would change in your organisation if every employee was thriving instead of striving?  On the surface such a question may sound odd as there is a positive connotation associated with both terms. If we pause and consider the words more carefully, there is an important distinction.  The term “strive” is defined as:  To try…

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Woman at Work

Organizational ecosystems are constantly evolving as new employees enter the workforce and external factors shape the needs and priorities of staff. The way that leaders adapt to the changes will have a significant impact on their ability to hire, engage and retain exceptional talent.  To position a business for success, I encourage executives as well…

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Happy employees

In recent weeks, I’ve seen multiple headlines about the decline in employee satisfaction. The reports have come about because of the steady decrease in staff Net Promoter Scores (eNPS), which evaluate how workers respond to the question:  It’s important to take note because the eNPS does more than just signal the overall contentment employees may…

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Woman talking to Man

Trust makes the workplace so much better. Just think about your own experiences with teams or organizations that you felt confident in. Likely, the assurance made colleagues feel more comfortable interacting and sharing ideas – even ones that felt a little bit risky. It probably produced an environment where teammates believed in each other’s capacity…

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A group of coworkers brainstorming together.

Brainstorms conjure up a wide range of pictures and feelings. In my experience, people who participate are often hoping that someone will have a sudden stroke of inspiration, similar to the ancient story of Archimedes shouting “Eureka!” (I’ve found it) after unexpectedly discovering the solution to detecting fake gold. Ideation sessions rarely pan out that…

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The Brilliance Series: Divergent

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Divergent Thinking Overview I’m energized to…

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The Brilliance Series: Convergent

The Brilliance Series invites you to take a closer look at the Emergenetics® Attributes. Whether you are craving more information about your own Profile or are interested in better understanding the preferences of others, the series will offer insights to shine a light on the genius of each Attribute. Convergent Thinking Overview When we describe…

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A Productive Team Working Together

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the phrase: team building? If it’s anything like our recent LinkedIn poll, the results may be mixed. When I look at these percentages, I am optimistic that Learning & Development specialists, managers and training consultants can find ways to win over even the most skeptical participants and…

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