
“The purpose of learning isn’t to affirm our beliefs; it’s to evolve our beliefs.” – Adam Grant, “Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know”   The words “unlearning” and “relearning” have been quite popular in the professional development space for the last few years, especially in light of the increased use of artificial…

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What makes an exceptional organizational culture?   If you’ve read any of the previous blogs in the culture series, you’ll know that every workplace has a distinct feel and flavor. We’ve identified the 6 Cs of Culture that consistently are a part of engaging, motivating environments.  They include:  Communication  Collaboration  Care  Connection  Commendation  Career  My colleagues…

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People seated and chatting

The ability to secure trust is a vital component to being a successful facilitator. You must gain the confidence of your workshop attendees as well as enhance the connections between the individuals in the group. As an Emergenetics Associate, you play an essential role in holding space for participants, so they can feel present, honest…

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Sticky Notes on Flip Chart Paper

One of the most powerful aspects of Emergenetics® is the way the Attributes can be applied to holistically consider a challenge, opportunity or project. Using the Emergenetics framework, Associates (and the groups or departments they work with) unlock a template to utilize cognitive diversity to achieve results. That’s why our Client Service team often recommends…

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Four teammates in a discussion

When leaders talk about high-performing teams, it’s often in the context of the impact that they can have on business outcomes. From better decision-making and innovative ideas to greater productivity and improved problem-solving, working groups that excel have the capacity to advance the enterprise. People who are part of a high-performing team are often likely…

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A group of coworkers brainstorming together.

Brainstorms conjure up a wide range of pictures and feelings. In my experience, people who participate are often hoping that someone will have a sudden stroke of inspiration, similar to the ancient story of Archimedes shouting “Eureka!” (I’ve found it) after unexpectedly discovering the solution to detecting fake gold. Ideation sessions rarely pan out that…

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A Productive Team Working Together

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the phrase: team building? If it’s anything like our recent LinkedIn poll, the results may be mixed. When I look at these percentages, I am optimistic that Learning & Development specialists, managers and training consultants can find ways to win over even the most skeptical participants and…

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A leader overseeing a collaborative group

There is a notable relationship between leadership and empathy. In many instances, as a person increases their positional power, their empathy decreases. The importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) cannot be overlooked in a business context. EQ is an essential element of the employee engagement and retention equation. With more employees and younger generations seeking purpose…

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Learning and Development team working together

The Learning & Development (L&D) function is on the rise in many organizations. Executives and leaders are increasingly recognizing the value of training in driving productivity, closing skills gaps and improving employee retention. Still, only 50% of L&D professionals report that they are working closely with executive leadership. While this statistic is trending upward from…

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A boss conducting an offboarding interview

 When evaluating the employee lifecycle, one element that is often overlooked is offboarding. This step can sometimes feel more like a transaction that lacks the energy and compassion that we are more used to seeing in other moments such as onboarding, development or advancement.   While I understand why some may prioritise these other stages, offboarding…

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