Employees sitting and talking around a table

The start of any year creates opportunities to evaluate and plan. What changes do you anticipate in your training and development programs in the next year? What about in the next three to five? It can feel challenging to answer these longer-term questions with complete confidence. While there may be transformations that we can’t anticipate…

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Colleagues from different generations talking

As workforce demographics continue to shift, generational diversity is a common topic of conversation and in some cases a cause of trepidation. I’ve read several articles recently geared toward managers who are trying to understand employees who are older or younger than them, team leaders who are attempting to overcome preconceived notions and Human Resources…

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Woman gesturing to a laptop

If you supervise a team, chances are that you have staff members who are quiet quitting. Depending on which report you look at, somewhere between 21% and 50% of employees have stated that they are doing the bare minimum required in their job functions. The reasons for quiet quitting typically fall into two categories: burnout…

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Man leading a group of people

2023 is shaping up to be a dynamic year for Learning & Development (L&D) professionals! As organizations strive to engage and retain top talent, traverse economic uncertainty and address evolving employee expectations, L&D teams will play an increasingly vital role in helping businesses and their staffs thrive. To optimize programming this year, consider how these…

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Person writing in journal

With all the recent discussion around quiet quitting, I wouldn’t be surprised if many individuals are putting more thought into the ways that they can enhance the integration of their work and lives. There are many factors that may tip the scale in favor of a healthy or unhealthy direction, and one essential element to…

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Person sitting and talking to a colleagues at a table

The end of the year often brings with it an increased sense of urgency, which can impact overall health and well-being. Unfortunately, stress is not limited to the fourth quarter. A study by Deloitte revealed that 77% of employees have experienced burnout at their current job, with more than half citing more than one occurrence.…

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Man at a desk

What improves your focus at work? For me personally, I need background noise. I’m one of those people who loves an open workspace because the chatter helps me unlock new ideas. I also know that many of my colleagues prefer complete silence to concentrate. Imagine if as a leader, I required my team members to…

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Man sitting at a desk writing in a notebook and wearing headphones

With the ongoing expansion of our digital learning courses, many of our clients and Emergenetics® Associates have been asking us: What is the best way to integrate egLearning Library curriculum into our talent development offerings? My readers in the second-third of any of the Behavioral Attributes will probably appreciate my answer of: It depends. Based…

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Students and teacher sitting around a table

I had a chance to do a semantic noise activity with some of our Associates recently. I love these exercises because they are an easy and eye-opening way to explore differences in the perspectives of the Emergenetics® Attributes. All you do is pick a word, phrase or topic. Then, group participants according to one of…

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