Group of adults learners working together

Employees are discovering so much every day in every company. As the 70-20-10 model reveals, 70% of learning happens experientially on the job. When education occurs outside of a formal setting, it can take effort to broadly share the insights, so the information doesn’t always extend beyond the person involved, let alone their team.  Imagine…

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Group collaborating

“Wisdom is intuitive reason combined with scientific knowledge.”  – Aristotle  When it comes to decision-making, do you tend to apply a more rational or intuitive approach? Research suggests that neither style is inherently more beneficial considering both logical evidence and gut feelings concurrently is what leads to successful strategic conclusions.  To reap the benefits of…

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Team collaborating in a training

51% of employees across the globe are seeking new job opportunities. While it’s unlikely that half of a company’s staff members are going to leave in one year, this statistic might be a wake-up call for leaders and can serve as an important reminder that retention deserves serious attention. For businesses that are committed to…

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A Productive Team Working Together

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the phrase: team building? If it’s anything like our recent LinkedIn poll, the results may be mixed. When I look at these percentages, I am optimistic that Learning & Development specialists, managers and training consultants can find ways to win over even the most skeptical participants and…

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Learning and Development team working together

The Learning & Development (L&D) function is on the rise in many organizations. Executives and leaders are increasingly recognizing the value of training in driving productivity, closing skills gaps and improving employee retention. Still, only 50% of L&D professionals report that they are working closely with executive leadership. While this statistic is trending upward from…

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Group of teammates laughing

I’ve shared before that team building has a bit of an image issue, so it tracks that there are a number of popular misconceptions about the subject. When employees are invited to participate in relationship building experiences, Human Resources and Learning & Development professionals need to be prepared to address presumptions and steer their participants…

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Colleagues sitting around a conference table talking

Team building is one of the core components of high performance. When employees invest time in getting to know each other and improving how they communicate and collaborate, they can see impressive results like a 10X increase in work ethic as well as a 20% – 25% increase in productivity. While the value of developing…

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Colleagues sitting at a table talking and working on a poster with post-it notes

What is it that sets excellent teams apart from others in their organizations? I’m confident this question has been on the minds of many Human Resources leaders, Organizational Development professionals, managers and executives, who are striving to maximize productivity and goal achievement. In positive news, high-performing groups are not mystical beings that mere mortals can…

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Team of workers sitting in a circle talking and smiling

As a former communications professional, I have experience identifying a good public relations opportunity, and team building certainly has one. Although many people get excited when they learn that they will have a chance to connect and collaborate with their colleagues, others hear the same term and have a decidedly different reaction. They may instead…

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Woman writing on a white board in a conference room

Visualize for a moment what a career path looks like. Does the picture in your mind reflect a neat, tidy directional arrow? Is it a set of well-planned steps? Or is it more of a winding road with twists and turns? While professional growth has long been considered to follow a linear or step-by-step model,…

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